15 Tips for Building the Perfect Home Office

More and more people depend on the ability to combine work and family life in the home, and a home office is the way to make this happen. But working from home should be as efficient and productive as working in a regular office.

Unlike a desk in an office complex, you can organize your workplace according to personal preferences and wishes, enjoy a more balanced life. Successfully creating the perfect home office requires attention to details, and here are 15 tips to make that happen. 

1. Start with a Location

The first thing you need to do is decide which room you would like to set up your office. Of course, the ideal option would be a separate room to house your private work space. But if that’s not possible, a work corner can be arranged in any room: living room, bedroom, or kitchen. Choosing a place is like a poker hand hierarchy, so pay special attention to this since subsequent aspects will depend on this.

2. Lighting

This is very important, since not only the quality of work, but also your eye health and mood depends on it. If providing sufficient natural lighting is impossible, don’t skimp on light fixtures or lamps. A light source in the 5000 – 6500K ranges mimics daylight best.

3. Comfortable Visual Atmosphere

Pay attention to these details if you don’t want your office to look like the usual gray room from the movies. Choose colors so that you will be pleased to be there during a full working day. Loosen up. You’re now the boss, at least in terms of how you design and decorate your work space.

4. Furniture

Another thing you must consider is what kind of furniture and equipment you need for work. If you only need a laptop, then the work area can be set up anywhere, and it won’t take up much space. Otherwise, adding areas for storing various equipment or building a deck for a more comfortable working opportunities outdoors in good weather is a great option. 

5. Define the Purpose of a Home Office

To create an effective workspace, you first need to determine the primary purpose of the home office. Will it be a place where you will spend the main working time or is it supposed to be a quiet place just to store documents, equipment and all that? Do you need to take client calls? Your space needs to be designed to meet the actual needs of your work.

6. Sound Management

Soundproofing will be an essential part of your workspace, especially if you need concentration and complete immersion in your work. Noise can be very distracting, so minimizing background noise in your home office is important. For this, the ideal solution would be acoustic foam rubber – an inexpensive but practical feature that is easy to handle. If you can’t set up a home office in a separate room, wearing foam ear plugs as well as ear protecting ear muffs will reduce the sounds you hear to nearly nothing.

7. Devices and Electronics

Unlike regular offices, where most devices such as monitors or keyboards are standard for everyone, for the home office, you can choose the ideal devices for yourself. You can choose based on price, overall design, or personal preferences. A second monitor boosts productivity a lot since it means you need to switch screens and views so much less often. And second monitors are economically priced these days, too.

8. Cable Management

Don’t forget to spend time organizing your cables. This particularly overlaps with the previous advice. It is impossible to get rid of all the cables, but you can ensure they do not interfere and are almost invisible. Ratcheting cable clamps are one of the best ways to make this happen. And never coil up cables since this introduces a twist that can make the cables wonky and hard to manage in time. Instead, fold them over on themselves until you have a neat bundle, then bind them together with cable clamps.

9. Add Plants 

Plants can help create a cozy and visually appealing workspace. This is a small thing, but can make a big difference in your mood.

10. Balance the Scale

If you don’t have enough space in your home, avoiding a full-size desk and a lot of furniture is better. Instead, you can use wall cabinets, which will save space and be an excellent addition to the interior.

11. Remember Health & Ergonomics

Some people choose a home office because of the health risks associated with a traditional office. Level out this drawback by adding air humidifiers, choose ergonomic and ideal furniture for you, and have unique details if you have health problems worth paying attention to.

12. Stable Internet Connection

One of the advantages of regular offices is high and stable Internet speed. Can you achieve the same at home? Certainly. To do this, you can connect to a second provider so that your family and you do not slow down each other’s Internet speed. Starlink has made great connectivity much easier to achieve, even in rural areas, and satellite internet services are getting better all the time.

13. Smart Storage Solutions

There may be a lot of documents involved in your work, so prepare yourself for this. Make it a foundation of your preparations to get whatever filing cabinets or document management systems needed for efficiency. No home office will function properly without a foundation of storage equipment.

14. Don’t Be Afraid of Change

A home office is a completely different work format that needs to be approached carefully. If you set a goal to change some problem you encounter, keep trying until you achieve the desired result. Getting lonely? Try video calls instead of phone calls. Need to take time off during the day for personal reasons? Don’t be afraid to work during non-standard hours. 

15. Consider the Professionals

Yes, there are professionals with the experience to help you set up an efficient home office. They may be worth considering if you have no experience setting up lighting, furniture, cable management, etc. Of course, you can always do everything yourself, but if you feel overwhelmed, there are pros out there to help. 
