In this week’s video episode, see . . .
- how tractor tire chains are installed
- a cool way to tension tire chains (normally a tough thing to do)
- an old tractor blowing some big snow
In this week’s video episode, see . . .
UPDATED 23Apr2020 + video: Water wells, septic systems, electricity supplies and food storage – these are four of the biggest practical things you need to deal with directly if you’re a hands-on person leading a hands-on rural life. And success…
Home schooling is increasing in popularity across North America and other places for a handful of reasons. Over the years we’ve done some home schooling here at the end of Bailey Line Road, and this article is to explain something…
Living in a remote or suburban area (or even in a rural one) can offer plenty of advantages. You might like the quiet, knowing your neighbors, and the freedom to pursue big projects on your own place. However, for as…
29Dec2018: Watch this week’s episode#4 of Bailey Line Life and see: a power hacksaw in action a clever leather work project drilling and tapping a hole in steel the easy way propane torch and wintertime shot put action Click below…
Steve Maxwell, Canada’s Handiest Man, explains how a contractor cutting costs and corners can snowball into disasters with one basement as an example.
A few years ago I was commissioned by a farming agency here in Ontario, Canada to make the video here. It’s showcases two pieces of innovative farm equipment that this agency helped a farmer friend of mine buy. Click on…