Click for 50% discount on HOW TO FINISH A BASEMENT course until tomorrow October 6, 2019.
Few people realize how inadequate common basement finishing practices are until it’s too late. Even many professional builders routinely finish basements in ways that lead to unfixable problems later. These basements usually look good on the surface, but 5 or 10 years down the road, trouble appears. Fundamental construction choices made at the earliest stages of work are often the cause of mold, mustiness and poor indoor air quality throughout the entire house. Click here to learn about the 5 deadly mistakes that are made all the time finishing basements.
Helping you avoid trouble like this is the reason I created my HOW TO FINISH A BASEMENT course. It’s big (65 videos, dozens of photos & illustrations, 49,000 words), detailed and comes with one-on-one consultation help from me. Money-back guarantee, too. Download a free course sample here, and get a 50% discount on the full course until October 6, 2019.