BASEMENT WATERPROOFING: How the Different Options Work

Many basements leak at least a little water, and any amount of moisture in a basement is a make-or-break issue for anyone hoping to finish that space and make it comfortable. This is where basement waterproofing comes in, and it can be a confusing black box for any homeowner looking to hire a contractor to do the job. This is where a little knowledge will help you.
  • Video Watch Time = 10 minutes
It’s essential to understand that basement waterproofing isn’t a one-size-fits-all issue. The approach to waterproofing can vary significantly depending on factors such as the construction of the basement, the soil composition around the foundation, and the climate of the region. A thorough assessment of these factors is crucial to determine the most effective waterproofing method for your basement.

One approach involves waterproofing waterproofing from the outside, and another from inside the basement. Sometimes a combination of interior and exterior methods is what’s needed for best results. The video tutorial below shows the main options for water control in basements, both from inside and outside.

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– Steve Maxwell
