Earning a Location-Free Living

How can you earn a good living in the country? That’s a question I get from time to time from people who have the desire to build a rural life for themselves, but don’t yet know how the money side of things will happen. I’ve been earning a living for my family without leaving our homestead property since 1988, and I’ve discover some essential ideas that are key.

Geography-Free Income

There are different ways to succeed financially in a rural situation, but the best I’ve found involves some kind of internet-based venture. This does one crucial thing, namely it allows you to serve a market far beyond your geographical location. Most rural areas don’t have the population base to support businesses that would otherwise work well in a city, but the internet eliminates this drawback.

Internet work could involve content creation. This means articles, videos, online courses, product reviews, etc. Some people I know work remotely as employees, doing the same thing they’d do in an office except from home. Internet income could also involve selling physical things to the world from your little corner of nowhere. My daughter and son-in-law are a case in point.

Katherine and Paul live just down the road from us with their five children, and they earn all the money they need creating and publishing videos, as well as selling a custom blend of hair growth oil that Katherine developed. They recently shipped more than 400 bottles to customers who came to them via the internet from around the world, some as far as Japan.

Watch the video below to learn more tips. 

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– Steve Maxwell
