How to Paint Kitchen Cabinets Video Lesson

  • Video watch time = 1 1/2 minutes

I  love wood, but even I have to admit that there is such a thing as too much wood in a house. That’s where paint can help. Prepare those old, brown varnished cabinets properly and a new coat of paint will make them look amazing for a long time. In fact, painting your kitchen or bathroom cabinets might be the most effective, inexpensive and rapid way to transform a major part of your home.

I’ve achieved the best results with a low-sheen or flat paint, since these hide defects much better than glossier sheens. Also, a small roller is the best tool for applying paint to cabinets. You’ll still need a brush to get into the nooks and crannies around door panels and such, but do these areas first with a brush. Follow up with a small foam roller everywhere you can reach, and you’ll have a beautiful result.

Watch the info-packed 90-second tutorial above and see what I mean. It’s short, but explains everything you need to know.

I hope you found this little video useful for freshening up your cabinets. Please consider helping me cover the cost of creating and hosting content like this. Click the “buy me a coffee” button below and it’ll take you to a fast, safe and simple way to make a contribution. Thank you very much!

– Steve Maxwell
