ONE TOUGH BLADE: Is This The World’s Toughest Circ Saw Blade?

  • Video Watch Time = 3 3/4 minutes

The world of circular saw blades is like a game of poker. The longer the hand goes on, the higher the stakes get. The made-in-Italy Diablo Tracking Point blade is a perfect example.  It’s one of the best offerings in an old tool category – circular saw blades – and it’s the fastest, toughest, straightest cutting circ saw blade I’ve used so far. There are some great saw blades out there from many brands, but Diablo has upped the ante with this one, both for crosscuts and rip cutting.

What makes the difference? Three things: metallurgy; tooth shape; and polymer-filled vent slots. This blade might as well have been made for metal judging by how it plows through deck screws. Click above to watch the video and see for yourself.

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– Steve Maxwell
