Cleaning Without Hassle: The Benefits of Self-Emptying Robot Vacuums

Here’s Why a Self-Emptying Robot Vacuums Maybe Worth Considering

Robot vacuum cleaners have revolutionized the way we clean our houses. Instead of dedicating a whole day every month (or hiring a housekeeper), people invest in an autonomous robot and have it run a cleaning cycle or two every day. And voila! At a push of a button, no more cat litter and hair sticking at the bottom of your feet.

But did you know robot vacuums aren’t as hands and maintenance-free as you think? Depending on the model, you will have to clean them once a week or more often, especially if you have them running multiple times a day. This is one reason people hire human cleaners instead of using a robot. These days it’s easier than ever to find competent help, using a business such as domestic cleaners from Absolute Domestics. Companies like this are available in many places around the world.

That “issue” has since been addressed, thanks to multi-tasking self-emptying robot vacuums for a hands-off cleaning. What exactly are these robots, and how do they work? Learn more about self-emptying robot vacuum cleaners, and you can keep your home free of debris without lifting a finger.

What are Self-Emptying Robots and How Do They Work?

A self-emptying robot vacuum is a gadget that automatically cleans your home’s floors and empties its container of any accumulated rubbish and dirt. The vacuum can operate independently and identify all available surfaces to clean, making every operation hassle-free. iRobot manufactured the first self-emptying robot over 20 years ago, but it doesn’t have the efficiency of the robots we now have today.

A regular robot vacuum often has a small container or dustbin where the machine collects accumulated dust and debris. After a cleaning cycle, it’s your job to help out by emptying the trash bag, although some robots have large enough containers to make dust-emptying a once-a-week gig.

A self-emptying robot has a different mechanism. It has a charging dock that doubles as a bigger trash bin. The dock attaches the robot that collect dirt and debris from the dustbin and deposit it in a much bigger storage bin while simultaneously charging the unit. Instead of the usual once or twice a week of emptying a smaller robot’s bin, you now have up to a two-month allowance.

Benefits of Self-Emptying Robots

Active young adults would surely not mind dropping off debris a few times a week, but not all of us are able to. If you are one of the latter, listed below are the benefits of buying yourself a self-emptying robot vacuum cleaner.

  • Extremely Convenient. People pay money for convenience, and that’s precisely why self-emptying robots exist. The less you think about emptying dirt compartments, the more you have the time to relax or spend with the family.
  • Cleaner Home. This reason is mainly psychological, but it’s an undeniable reality. Knowing they would empty the bin after a cleaning cycle prevents robovac owners from using the machines more frequently. However, since a self-emptying robot does not require much ongoing work, you are free to use it as often as you’d like, resulting in a much cleaner, dust-free home.
  • Better for larger homes. Regular robot vacuum cleaners can still handle large homes, but the rub is you need to be there to empty the dustbin perhaps more than one time per cleaning run. That means a cleaning schedule is useless because you need to be physically at home when it runs. Not so with a self-emptying robot. You can simply set it and forget it as it moves on schedule.
  • Better for your health. Handling a bag full of dust and dander couldn’t be beneficial for anyone’s health. It could spruce up an allergy or just trigger an asthma attack. You could gamble with your health every now and then with a non-emptying robot, but for household members with allergy issues, this is non-negotiable.
  • Beneficial for People with Disabilities. Many people need help to do basic tasks due to physical limitations and old age. While there are several methods to address these difficulties, one promising approach is to use a self-emptying robot vacuum.

Best Self-Emptying Robots

Whether it’s health issues or a busy schedule preventing you from regularly cleaning your home, these self-emptying robot vacuums are here to help.

  • Shark IQ 1001AE

The Shark IQ is the best self-emptying robot at its price point, having the capacity to hold at least 45 days’ worth of dust and debris. It’s not a hybrid model, so don’t expect it to mop, but it is just about as good as anything in the vacuuming department. The Shark IQ does a fine job mapping homes, and has an area-cleaning feature and virtual no-go zones. It’s also a good choice for pet owners due to its self-cleaning brush roll and enough suction to remove hair from carpeting.

  • Roborock S7+

If most models can go for a month without emptying, the Roborock S7+ can operate for 120 days! Another extremely useful feature of the S7+ is its ability to pull its mopping cloth out of the way when recognizing carpet, allowing it to complete both mopping and vacuuming tasks in one efficient cleaning process. The model only cleans with water, so don’t expect it to sanitize your floors. However, one thing that you’d get out of it is a spotless floor.

  • iRobot Roomba i3+ EVO

The Roomba i3+ EVO is an affordably-priced self-emptying robot with a plethora of intelligent features. It’s not a hybrid model (n0 mopping), and its battery and smart mapping capabilities are not exactly spectacular. Even so, the i3+ EVO has excellent suction that effectively sucks in hair, whether that’s from your head or your ever-shedding pets. On top of that, it’s an appealing solution for allergy sufferers since the robot uses a high-efficiency filter to trap allergens.

Final Thoughts

Compared with regular robot vacuum cleaners, self-emptying robots are much more expensive. But the real question is, are they worth it? Yes, they are for the right people and households.

Self-emptying robot vacuums have an automatic debris and dust disposal system that regular models don’t. This means you only have to empty the stationary dustbin every month or less, even as high as 120 days for some units! This feature limits your exposure to dust, a must for people with allergies. Moreover, you can also maximize the robot’s scheduled cleaning feature since you don’t need to be physically present to empty dustbins at every cleaning run.
