Dos And Don’ts Of AC Maintenance

Air conditioners (ACs) are standard in many contemporary homes. Even though AC units are still pricey, technological advancements have made them significantly cheaper and more efficient than they used to be. Nevertheless, they’re great investments because they improve life quality. In fact, air conditioners are almost mandatory for people who live in places with extreme heat.

Once your technician completes the AC installation, you must consider investing in routine maintenance if you want your AC to survive a long time. Much like a car, if you neglect maintenance, your AC unit will likely develop more problems than it should. 

There are a few things you need to keep in mind when it comes to AC maintenance. Below is a list of the dos and don’ts of AC maintenance.

1.  Dos Of AC Maintenance

If you want your AC unit to last long, you must prioritize annual maintenance. Since AC units have many moving parts, they can wear out over time. But regular maintenance ensures that your unit won’t break down frequently since you’ll be able to identify and address issues quickly. A skilled technician will be able to immediately identify any minor problems or modifications required, guaranteeing optimal performance and minimizing costly malfunctions. So, prioritize partnering with expert AC technicians who will service your unit at least once a year.  

2. Clean Or Replace Air Filters Regularly

Your air conditioner’s filter is crucial to the system’s efficiency. It plays a pivotal role in purifying the air that eventually circulates in your living or office space. But things like pollen, dust, and smoke all block filters rapidly. Also, since air movement is crucial in air conditioners, changing a blocked filter ensures that clean air circulates throughout your house. 

Furthermore, having clean air circulation is particularly important for people with allergies. So, it would be best to regularly clean or replace your air filter to keep it running smoothly. You can always contact your AC technician to have it replaced. 

3. Check Ductwork For Leaks

You should regularly check the ductwork in your AC unit to keep it in excellent condition. Your air conditioner’s ducts transport cool air. Additionally, they remove hot air from your rooms. They should receive extra care because they are a crucial component of the entire system. Therefore, you should also check to see if there are any leaks in the ductwork of your air conditioning equipment.

If repairs are needed, or new ducting installed to better serve certain areas of your house, you’ll need professional help local to your area. Companies such as ducted air conditioning Brisbane is the kind to look for.

4. Replace Thermostat Batteries

If your AC unit isn’t working, you should check whether the thermostat batteries are still good. It’s always a good idea to replace thermostat batteries regularly.

5. Replace Your AC Unit After 15 Years

If you’re diligent about AC maintenance, your AC unit will likely last for a long time. But  once an AC unit hits the 15-year mark, that’s when it starts to become frequently problematic. It would be best if you considered changing the unit when it gets to 15 years because it may cost more to maintain than you have bargained for. Therefore, it’s best to plan on replacing the unit after about 15 years. 

6. Don’ts Of AC Ownership

Leaving AC On 24/7: While you should make the most out of using your AC unit by using it frequently, it’s important to take note that you shouldn’t rely on your AC unit only to regulate temperatures. Some parts of an AC may wear out during its useful life. But if the AC unit is constantly on, parts are likely to wear out much faster because it’s constantly in use. Every now and then, you have to switch off the AC for its long-term health. Also, try switching off the AC before leaving home.

DIY AC Maintenance: There are many projects in your home that you could DIY. Some people genuinely enjoy doing DIY. Plus, with the advent of the internet, it’s now very easy to learn how to do things yourself. However, when it comes to HVAC maintenance, it’s best to leave it to the experts. While it may be tempting to fix things yourself to save you some money, keep in mind that making a mistake could lead to costly repairs. You’ll eventually have to hire an expert to address that situation. So, it’s always best to stick with the professionals from start to finish to ensure that your unit lasts long.

Ignore High Electricity Bills: Newer models of ACs are extremely energy efficient. If the unit is working optimally, you shouldn’t experience too many fluctuations in energy consumption. But, if you notice a significant increase in your energy bills, it could be a sign that something isn’t working properly. If a part within the unit isn’t working well, it will reduce its efficiency and force it to work much harder to produce the same amount of cold air. Your bills are unlikely to magically go down if you don’t fix the AC unit. So  as soon as you notice higher energy bills, have a technician inspect your unit.

Use It When It’s Malfunctioning: If your AC unit isn’t working correctly, it’s best to switch it off until the technician has a look at it. Forcing the AC to run while it isn’t in working order could cause more damage. It could be a minor issue that requires a minor repair or replacement. But with AC units, minor problems can quickly turn into big ones because these machines have many moving parts. If one part malfunctions, it may prevent other parts of the device from working efficiently.  

Add Refrigerant: You should be aware that your AC unit doesn’t consume fuel like a car. So, you don’t have to refill the refrigerant regularly. There shouldn’t be any need to add refrigerant to a fully functional AC unit. But if the refrigerant level is low, it’s probably because there is a leak in the system. 

Nevertheless, it would be best to call the technician to refill the refrigerant instead of doing it yourself to avoid making any mistakes. Plus, bear in mind that door refrigerants contain substances which are harmful to the environment. Thankfully, some manufacturers are trying to use more eco-friendly refrigerants in their units. 


Every homeowner should prioritize regular system maintenance when it comes to AC. This ensures that your unit stays healthy and that it lasts longer. Plus, it helps prevent the occurrence of costly breakdowns, which may force you to replace your AC unit prematurely. Furthermore, it’s always best to leave repairs and maintenance to technicians to avoid costly bills. So, looking for experienced technicians to work on your unit is recommended.
