HOT WATER HEATING: Tank-Style Water Heater Great For Space Heating

The simplest way to generate hot water for infloor heating and radiators is with a tank-style water heater, and that’s what you’ll learn about in this video. And despite what some professionals mistakenly believe, a gas-fired or electric tank-style water heater makes a great source of heat for applications like these. You don’t need a boiler if you choose the right kind of tank-style heater,  as you’ll see.

  • Video Watch Time = 12 1/2 minutes

water heater hydronic

Watch the video below for a detailed technical tour of how to use a water heater for space heating. Download a set of installation schematics for you or your installer to use. Download buttons located below the video for two different system configurations.

Click below for heat exchanger type installation schematic

tank heater simple






Click below for a heat exchanger-free installation schematic

tank schema






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– Steve Maxwell
