Part of a lineup of different types of 6″ random orbit sanders. This number refers to the diameter of the sanding pad. 5″ models are the most popular, but not always the best, especially when it comes to large areas like decks.
Part of a lineup of different types of 6″ random orbit sanders. This number refers to the diameter of the sanding pad. 5″ models are the most popular, but not always the best, especially when it comes to large areas like decks.

Electric random orbit sanders got popular about 25 years ago, and they’re still a great option for some kinds of sanding. Some, but definitely not all. There are different types of random orbit sanders, so you need a bit of information if you want to buy and use one optimally. Here’s a video I made explaining the basics of random orbit sanders. This video is one of many from my online course Woodworking for Beginners.

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Steve Maxwell

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