- Video Watch Time = 9 minutes
Got some thick steel to drill holes in? Success comes down to the right kind of bit and cutting oil. The video lesson below is from my online course on welding – MIG WELDING FOR THE HOME WORKSHOP Most people are surprised to see how the curls of hot metal just come rolling off the bit. Scroll down and see for yourself a “step bit” in action.
Welding Course Testimonials
“I really enjoyed your MIG welding course. The pace was just right and the level of detail was good as well. I hope there’ll be similar classes in the future. Maybe something on advanced welding? Overall, very pleased and appreciate your time and quick responses to my questions. – KP Salisbury, NC
“I truly enjoyed being part of your MIG WELDING FOR BEGINNERS course. The information you provide via written and videos material IS very well put together and easy to follow. I truly was a beginner, never having even owned equipment nor additional tools. I will keep my eye out for any additional courses you have on these topics. ” – RM Chicago, IL