The course is done now, and you’ve seen all the basics for finishing a basement so it’s warm, fresh, cozy, inviting and durable. I hope you’ve found plenty of things here useful. Please let me know if you’ve got questions I didn’t answer, or if you have a special basement situation you need to talk about. The details here are what needs to happen regardless of who does the work, but don’t be surprised about something as your basement project continues.

Optimal basement finishing is rare enough that many professionals consider best practices to be excessive. The building business is one sector that’s more resistant to change and innovation than many others, so expect some push-back from tradespeople, friends and family members “who’ve always done it another way”. Rest assured that to avoid the common problem of a musty, uncomfortable, health-damaging basement you’ll need to do things differently.  And remember, as you go through this material and put it into practice, you’re very likely to face challenges and decisions that you’re not sure about. That’s why I’m here. As always, feel free to contact me with questions and I’ll make sure you get the answers you need.

Thank you for taking this course and for letting me help you with the major project of finishing your basement.

— Steve Maxwell, Evansville, Ontario, Canada